Become a sponsor today!

Support Informal Science Education for All
Help bring science to children and families in your community! Your organization will be publically recognized as a supporter of the sciences with your sponorship level and logo featured on this website and on display in Explorit exhibit gallery.
Corporate sponsorships must meet a minimum of $1000 to be featured on our website for 12 months. If you would like to contribute though a different method, please email explorit@explorit.org with your proposal.
To become a sponsor, please fill out the form below; then, you may proceed in one of the following ways:
Visit Explorit's donation page to donate via credit card or PayPal
Send a check made out to "Explorit Science Center" to 3141 5th Street, Davis, CA 95618
Call Explorit at (530) 756-0191. We'd love to hear from you!