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After-school camps are back!

Sara Thompson

Backyard of Explorit Science Center with camp in session
Outdoor After-School Camps at Explorit

By Sara Thompson

Special to the Enterprise

Explorit will be re-booting our after-school science camps again in February and March! We

will continue to hold the camps in our outdoor spaces where we can maintain proper social

distance. Our weeklong camps run from 2:30-4:30pm Monday-Friday and are open to students

in grades K-6. Camp fees are $120 Members/$145 Non-Members.

The week of February 8-12 the camp topic will be All About You. Students will learn about

several systems of the human body, how they work, and how to keep them healthy. Experiments

include examining x-rays, assembling a skeleton, and assisting with the dissection of sheep


The week of February 15-19 will focus on Earth Explorations. What forces help shape our

earth?  Come learn how wind and rain can change a mountain, watch how water changes the

landscape, and build a structure that can survive our earthquake shake table.  Learn how

geologists study rocks and minerals, and how fossils can help us look into the past.

The week of March 1-5 has a Need for Seeds. How do plants grow and what do they need to

thrive? Observe many types of plants that live right here in Mace Ranch Park and our Explorit

pollinator garden and the types of animal and insects that need them. Learn how to sprout a seed

and how to keep it healthy, and the importance of pollinators.

The week of March 8-12 is an encore of our popular Everyday Engineering. Learn about

everyday simple machines and how they are used. Build arches, bridges, and buildings to see

how the engineering is different between them. Assemble simple circuits and make an


Additional information and registration for our camps can be found at Camps are filling up fast, so grab a spot today! We look forward to continuing serving the community with our after school science camps.

Explorit's coming events:

  • Due to COVID-19 restrictions and the health and safety of our staff and visitors, our gallery will remain closed. Staff regularly check messages and email.

  • Like many small businesses the closures have had a significant impact on our income and sustainability. Now is a great time to donate and help Explorit continue to educate and inspire the scientists of tomorrow:

  • Continue to support Explorit during this uncertain time by becoming a member. An Exploit Membership not only support us but grants the recipient with free visits to Explorit’s regular public hours, discounts on events, summer and after-school camps, and workshops, and gives you ASTC benefits to visit other museums throughout the world. For more information visit or call Explorit at 530-756-0191.


Explorit is a non profit 501(c)(3) California Corporation founded in 1982

(530) 756-0191 

Tax ID 68-0010584

3141 5th Street

Davis, CA 95618


Friday, 1pm - 4pm

Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 2pm

$5 per person

Members - free admission

Children ages 2 & under - free

©2024  Explorit Science Center. All Rights Reserved.

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